Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Handling Difficulties of Life

Experiencing sadness, difficulties, feeling of loneliness, dejection is a common experience for all. Life’s pattern is woven with the threads of contrasts, which bring us joy and sorrow, peace and unrest. Though it is quite natural for us to go up and down with strong emotions, but these natural reactions of ours is neither beneficial for us, nor for our dear ones.
Next question comes, then how to get rid of them? Emotions can be dealt in two ways. We can face them with courage, and can transform those energies through some other creative channels. Other option is, by knowing our true blissful nature through meditation, we can go above the material pain, and can view them as passing phases of temporary life.
Buddhist theory which is very practical, and can be practiced by any layperson, in day-to-day life, has been very beautifully described by Jack Kornfield in his book “A Path With Heart”. 
He shows us four ways to tattle problems, 1. By let go, 2. Transforming energy, 3. Putting aside, and 4. Acting mind fully.
He suggests, that to practice any method, first we must develop balance and compassion in our mind, and secondly our skill can be perfect only through constant practice. First method he refers as “letting go”. Here we become aware of the appearance of a particular problem, but without nurturing any aversion, or indifference towards it, we let it go for time being. 
Knowing it’s impermanent nature, do not allow our mind to get upset about it. Our attitude should be, allow present to arise and pass away as waves of ocean. 
Second formula he says, about transforming negative energy to positive energy. When a feeling of anger grips us, we are ready to explode, hurt others, and harm ourselves. In such situation, best thing is not to react immediately, and be calm, take a deep breath, go out, and may transform that strong energy into some creative, beneficial action, like gardening, playing some active game, etc till that, excess negative energy is released. Our greedy attachment maybe transformed into selfless loving activities for others.
His third formula is, acknowledging our strong emotion, we may put it aside, for time being, and can assure to work on it at an appropriate time and place. After some time, when the mind calms down, we may think on it again, and can take the right action. 
Lastly, in every action of ours, mindfulness is a most essential quality. If we have to act, then two things must be followed, our action should not cause any harm to others and us, and we must be very mindful to our action, and observe it as a process of experience, which teaches us some thing in life. 
According to Vedanta, through meditation, we realize we are not body; we all are Atman, part of divinity. Our inner blissful nature is truth, and life’s struggle comes to teach us that truth. 
So there is no point in running away from problems. When we face them with courage, and with calm and clear decision, when we solve them, we evolve our spiritual nature. With sincere gratitude to our creator, we should accept all the ups and downs of life as a path towards our liberation. As Tagore says in one of his poems.
“In spite of the cruelty in your divine will, 
It is only right that, what life brings,
Through which, I would learn to light the incense of my devotion, and the lamp of my understanding”.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Redirecting action from personal to collective well being

To work and learn is the essence of life, and birth through death, our lives revolve around it. In every phase of life work takes on a different dimension.
During childhood, our focus is more on our basic learning necessities, like language, math and history. As we grow old, we focus more on advanced or vocational studies and skill formation. But the main intension remains almost the same, to meet our basic necessities, to earn roti, kapda and makan, and to make life physically more comfortable. We study hard, so it can give us a comfortable living, and also a feeling of identity, through which we may propel ourselves to somewhat higher pedestal than our fellow beings. This feeling of separation satisfies our ego. 
As life advances, one often realizes that ego, attachment, and material growth which motivated us to work so hard all through our lives, failed to bring true joy or happiness in life.
According to our scriptures, work should be our way of worship, not material attainment. According to Bhagvad Gita, any work can be a joyful experience for us and can lead us to liberation only if we change our inner intension from selfish needs to universal love, from personal attachments to collective well being.
The critical difference, when we work for our loved ones, like parents working hard for their children’s welfare, is that we are motivated by love, not by greed. So then with a smiling face, we may carry the heavy load of work willingly, without any grudge. 
According to many thinkers, it is necessary to develop the one skill, to know how to handle our ego and individuality within the broader context of living. It is essential to develop our own individuality, with inner peace and calmness. Ego is an energy. With inner calmness we can transform that energy and channel it for service and welfare for all. Desire and greed bring commotion, create excitement, and disturb our inner calmness. With that state of mind, whatever work we may do, it can never bring harmony, peace and joy to all. Whether in our home or in a society, when our work leads to a collision of the individual self with the broader community, it is sure to create constant friction, and lack of ease. 

The only way out is to get past our personal greed and to work for a broader goal - welfare of all. Our personal gain should not cause any harm to others. We must be aware every moment that we are not separate beings - closed in by a feeling of “I” and “Mine”. Truly we are one with all.
Our life’s goal is to realize that underlying oneness. The Upanishad teaches, that the universal Atman is in every being, and all beings are in the Atman. This realization expands our heart with love and positive thoughts. Being empowered with this knowledge, whatever work we may do, it is sure to bring good to us and to all.
Our liberation depends, not on what work we do, but on how and with what intension we do on it.
The Bhagvad Gita refers it as “nishkam karma”, which means work with detachment. Detachment is not indifference. It means without personal expectation. We must perform all duties of life, to the best of our ability, as an offering to our creator. Then only our work becomes sublime, and crosses the narrow boundary of personal gain, and leads us to the path of liberation.
Paramhansa Yogananda says, “It is better to die trying to develop spirituality even if results are not immediate or spectacular, then to follow the momentarily joyous life of the senses” (God Talks with Arjuna)