Destiny is a mysterious and controversial topic.Some believe that,life's events are predetermined by God, and we can not do anything about it.There is also another rational view, according to which ,neither stars nor God hold our destiny. We are the maker of our own fate.Destiny is nothing but the result of our own karma, which we choose to do with our own free will.
We always get influenced by old habits and attitudes, and tend to attract the same type of destiny again and again.It will best, if we can learn from our mistakes.But according to Bhagawat Gita, by letting the mind dwell too long on a selfish desire erases the lessons we should have learn from prior experiences.
We all want to start a new destiny and want to free from old karmic bondage. That path, by which we can be free from karma,was shown by many enlightened souls through the ages.
Buddha said," No one saves us, but ourselves, and we must walk the path." The path,which he asked to follow,was the path of awareness.Every moment we must be aware of our mind and attitude.If they are unselfish and wholesome,then the results of righteous actions will surely be beneficial to all.
There is a deep connection between karma and fate, and that law is based on the universal law of cause and effect.In simple language,what we sow we reap.What we give to life,life gives back in ten fold, and that is what we call destiny. Another factor which influences our destiny is the inter connectedness between all life.As human nature often over values short term gain and undervalues the long term,he tends to deprive others in many ways to fulfill his own selfish desires and cravings.In Bhagawad Gita,Shri Krishna warned and said,"you work against your best interests when you let unbridled cravings control you"( chapter 3/verse 37-41).
Often an ignorant mind,breaks that cosmic law, and does not hesitate to inflict pain to others,in obtaining his short term gain.But results of such actions in a long run can not be profitable,neither for us nor for our future generations.Then we may not remember,that the cause was created by us, but the cosmic law can not be broken by any body.The universe is like a mirror,it reflects exactly the same in life,what we show through actions.
The arrival of results of action may vary, it may be immediate,it may take moderate time or a longer time.Like by putting finger in the fire, effect of burning will immediate.Or ill health,like obesity,heart disease etc may be caused after a moderate time of 15/20 years,due to wrong eating or lead a sedentary life.And some results of our karma germinate much later, in this life or in next life.We must know,that good or bad,whatever we find in our present life,is nothing but the results of our past karma.
Life is a golden opportunity for all of us to cultivate good destiny by doing good karma.ParamHansa Yogananda said "Real strength comes,when in silence and seclusion,we meditate on true source of origin.Then we realize,we are of divine consciousness, and are not limited in the fragile cage of this body made of flesh,bones and senses.
The famous philosopher Descartes also believed that,all individuals possess the natural light of reason, and has capacity to discover the truth.We all have divine potentiality in us, we are all capable in changing our destiny and roasting the seeds of bad karma by doing good karma, and by bringing light of wisdom with self effort and determination in life.Aristotle's quotation summarizes karma theory beautifully.He said, "excellence is never an accident.It is always the result of high intention,sincere effort, and intelligent execution,it represents the wise choice of many alternatives choice,not chance determines your destiny."
Edited by Prodeep Bose.
We always get influenced by old habits and attitudes, and tend to attract the same type of destiny again and again.It will best, if we can learn from our mistakes.But according to Bhagawat Gita, by letting the mind dwell too long on a selfish desire erases the lessons we should have learn from prior experiences.
We all want to start a new destiny and want to free from old karmic bondage. That path, by which we can be free from karma,was shown by many enlightened souls through the ages.
Buddha said," No one saves us, but ourselves, and we must walk the path." The path,which he asked to follow,was the path of awareness.Every moment we must be aware of our mind and attitude.If they are unselfish and wholesome,then the results of righteous actions will surely be beneficial to all.
There is a deep connection between karma and fate, and that law is based on the universal law of cause and effect.In simple language,what we sow we reap.What we give to life,life gives back in ten fold, and that is what we call destiny. Another factor which influences our destiny is the inter connectedness between all life.As human nature often over values short term gain and undervalues the long term,he tends to deprive others in many ways to fulfill his own selfish desires and cravings.In Bhagawad Gita,Shri Krishna warned and said,"you work against your best interests when you let unbridled cravings control you"( chapter 3/verse 37-41).
Often an ignorant mind,breaks that cosmic law, and does not hesitate to inflict pain to others,in obtaining his short term gain.But results of such actions in a long run can not be profitable,neither for us nor for our future generations.Then we may not remember,that the cause was created by us, but the cosmic law can not be broken by any body.The universe is like a mirror,it reflects exactly the same in life,what we show through actions.
The arrival of results of action may vary, it may be immediate,it may take moderate time or a longer time.Like by putting finger in the fire, effect of burning will immediate.Or ill health,like obesity,heart disease etc may be caused after a moderate time of 15/20 years,due to wrong eating or lead a sedentary life.And some results of our karma germinate much later, in this life or in next life.We must know,that good or bad,whatever we find in our present life,is nothing but the results of our past karma.
Life is a golden opportunity for all of us to cultivate good destiny by doing good karma.ParamHansa Yogananda said "Real strength comes,when in silence and seclusion,we meditate on true source of origin.Then we realize,we are of divine consciousness, and are not limited in the fragile cage of this body made of flesh,bones and senses.
The famous philosopher Descartes also believed that,all individuals possess the natural light of reason, and has capacity to discover the truth.We all have divine potentiality in us, we are all capable in changing our destiny and roasting the seeds of bad karma by doing good karma, and by bringing light of wisdom with self effort and determination in life.Aristotle's quotation summarizes karma theory beautifully.He said, "excellence is never an accident.It is always the result of high intention,sincere effort, and intelligent execution,it represents the wise choice of many alternatives choice,not chance determines your destiny."
Edited by Prodeep Bose.