Laughter is a magic tool one that dispels darkness from heavy hearts and can brighten up a lonely soul instantly. It is truly an unspoken universal language - one that uplifts all spirits. Joyousness may be expressed in many ways. It may shine through a twinkle in the eyes, or through a silent smile. It may also burst out in roaring laughter like rolling waves of a river. It could also the persistent gurgle of a stream or a booming guffaw from the belly. Whatever form it may take, it brings forth the essence of a moment well lived. As Charlie Chaplin said, “A day without laughter is a day wasted.”
A hearty laugh is beneficial for health. It increases the flow of oxygen in our body. Strengthens the heart, lung and muscles, also improves cognitive power and fight against the stress and anxieties of life.
Today people mostly search for inner happiness through outer sense gratification, which can bring some temporary satisfaction, but can not give lasting happiness or peace of mind. That frustration often leads them to cling some other addictions like drinking, gambling etc. Some health conscious people may join “Laughing Clubs “, where they laugh forcefully every morning, to increase lung power. I happen to live overlooking a park where they congregate every morning. Though I am not very sure about it’s health benefits, but surely that vigorous forced “Hyena laughter “brings lots of disturbance in its neighbourhood.
We all are in a search for a magic formula that can keep our heart warm and minds cool.
Buddhism says, by transcending emotions and thoughts, one can experience inner peace. That also helps to develop inner strength, which can resist external turbulences from becoming our mind
Through the ages, many enlightened, souls were born in India. They said, as divine consciousness is present in every soul, our spiritual goal should be to realise that unity in all. Only then one can feel blessed with true happiness.
Paramhansa Yogananda said,” view life as a cosmic motion picture, where we all are travellers. “He also said “ No sense produced pleasure is permanent, and time relentlessly works it’s havoc on physical beauty. Every thing in this material world is subject to change…. Fill your mind with the love of God. Then you will be able to love every body and will be able to smile all the time.” (from the book Mans Eternal Quest). So in the dawn of this new year we may pray that may our soul smile through our hearts, and our hearts smile through our eyes, which may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts.
Buddhism says, by transcending emotions and thoughts, one can experience inner peace. That also helps to develop inner strength, which can resist external turbulences from becoming our mind
Through the ages, many enlightened, souls were born in India. They said, as divine consciousness is present in every soul, our spiritual goal should be to realise that unity in all. Only then one can feel blessed with true happiness.
Paramhansa Yogananda said,” view life as a cosmic motion picture, where we all are travellers. “He also said “ No sense produced pleasure is permanent, and time relentlessly works it’s havoc on physical beauty. Every thing in this material world is subject to change…. Fill your mind with the love of God. Then you will be able to love every body and will be able to smile all the time.” (from the book Mans Eternal Quest). So in the dawn of this new year we may pray that may our soul smile through our hearts, and our hearts smile through our eyes, which may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts.