Saturday 22 June 2024

The moments that last

Sometimes  very insignificant  things can turn out to be a significant source of satisfaction in life. These moments remain in our memory like a fragrance of a distant wild flower and bring with it a sweetness that remains. 

Long back, when my elder son left for higher studies in America, and our younger son was equally busy with his multiple creative activities, and was away from home for long periods of time, I felt little lonely. I decided to overcome my empty nest syndrome by keeping myself happily busy with other kids. I was lucky to get a part time  teaching job in a nearby school under Delhi University.

It was a cold day in the month of December, returning from the school, I felt the icy winds piercing through my three layers of woollen clothing and was touching my bones. I was shivering like a dry leaf in the winter wind and quickly got into a cycle rickshaw , and asked the young driver to take me to my home.
As I settled down, I noticed the young driver (who was my son’s age) who was quite cheerful and confident, had just a thin cotton shawl as his winter wear. 

Upon reaching home, I asked the boy to wait a little. I went inside, opened the cupboard of my son, where his winter blazer was hanging beautifully. I took it out, brought it to the boy, and asked him to put it on. I was surprised to notice that though he took it  with a faint smile of gratitude, he didn't put it on, and silently looked on with a downward gaze. When I insisted that he try it on, he relented, took off his cotton shawl and threw the blazer around his neck and shoulder. It was then that I noticed that the boy had just one arm. He purposely covered his upper body with a loose shawl to hide his disability from the public eye should customers not pick him over others. I was moved to see that without asking for a help or or pity from others, this brave boy faced the challenges of life with dignity and courage. I was touched by his spirit, and we parted with a smile shared and a wish of good luck in life.Often such insignificant encounters, smiles of courage, kindness and gratitude, like twinkling stars  brighten up our life’s journey, stays in our memory and like a fragrance, appears and disappears, but never gets lost.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice memory recalled by you & will surely make all readers emotional, like I was reading this.
